Data Donors: Sharing Knowledge for Mobile Accessibility


Individuals regularly face challenges when interacting with their mobile devices particularly if they are not tech savvy users. When such difficulties occur, individuals often rely on more knowledgeable users to overcome difficulties. However, many do not have a support network of knowledgeable individuals available. Moreover, some challenges go beyond the need for guidance, as for example difficulties in performing swipes for motor impaired people. In this paper, we propose Data Donors, a conceptual framework proposing the enablement of users with the capacity to help others to do so by donating their mobile interaction data and knowledge. Inspired by charitable donations, we outline the Data Donors framework and discuss three applications that are being developed under the data donning paradigm. Through this work, we will explore the consequences and opportunities of sharing ones’ data for the greater good and discuss the creation of global data donation programs.

Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems