Prototyping Ubiquitous Imaging Surfaces


Mass adoption and innovation in the field of the Internet of Things has transformed the environments we live in, from stale siloes of technologies into rich interactive playgrounds. Nevertheless, the vast majority of surface area in these spaces are being overlooked and under-utilized in today's research. Surface imaging provides the means to extend and include typically out-of-reach, disconnected objects into these playgrounds. However, existing surface imaging technologies are impractical to embed in everyday environments, restricting researchers from exploring the design and interaction opportunities they can afforded these spaces. In this paper, we propose IRIS, a modular surface imaging prototype capable of providing scalable, low-cost, high-resolution surface imaging. We describe a real-world case study where IRIS is used to identify and track fresh fruit produce being prepared – a task that is typical infeasible with existing technologies. Through IRIS, we hope to enable the community to exploit these under-explored surface areas and enhance the rich, interactive, connected environments we inhabit.

Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Kyle Montague
Associate Professor